Flower Icon Wedding Koozies 1 Can I personalize my own wedding koozies?

Yes, we are determined to provide our customers with exactly what they are looking for, therefore, we also offer an easy personalization option to our customers. You can choose to customize our pre-designed artwork or create something new from scratch. In any case, we will help you throughout the process to get you what you want.

Flower Icon Wedding Koozies 1 Do I get free shipping on my order?

We offer free shipping to our customers on an order total of $189.

Flower Icon Wedding Koozies 1 Can I see how my order might look before production?

Yes, we certainly help our customers with a free digital mock-up of their order, to understand the look of their order, upon which they can easily make any changes they feel necessary, once the mock-up is approved, we move forward with the production.

Flower Icon Wedding Koozies 1 Can I cancel my order after placing it?

Customers can cancel their order only before the production stage of their order. Learn more about our cancellation policy for details.

Flower Icon Wedding Koozies 1 Can I return my order?

Customers get easy return options for upto 45 days from the date of their purchase. You can check our return page for a detailed policy.

Flower Icon Wedding Koozies 1 Can I get a sample product of my choice?

Yes, we offer customers sample products, you can request one through our email - [email protected].

Flower Icon Wedding Koozies 1 Can I choose multiple color koozies within one order?

We allow our customer to merge their multiple orders into one and so you are also free to merge multiple color orders in one to enjoy the best wholesale prices.

Flower Icon Wedding Koozies 1 How long does shipping take?

We offer 3 delivery options including express, standard, and economy delivery that may take 2-6 business days, 6-9 business days, and 9-15 business days respectively.

Flower Icon Wedding Koozies 1 When will I receive my order?

We start your order production after your mockup approval and our production time may take 5-7 business days. After production depending on your shipping, you will receive your order. 

Note: This time may vary during holidays or when the company is facing a large number of orders at a time.

Flower Icon Wedding Koozies 1 Can I Rush the Order?

Yes, in case of urgency, you can reach out to us and we can offer a rush order. Although, we will only process your order after your approval.